Research Policy

The need for more research

The prevalence of kidney disease has continued to rise steadily and the lack of research and new discoveries has hindered the delivery of optimal medical care and treatments to affected individuals. For the Iran s kidney community, it became evident that there simply wasn’t enough innovative research on kidney disease being done. A cohesive, focused research endeavor to bring the best science to the study of the most important clinical problems needed to be in place to truly make a difference in the lives of people with kidney disease.

An institute just for kidney research

Beginning in 1390, a task force comprised of leadership from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, pioneered the concept of a research institute dedicated solely to kidney disease. After two years of planning, the Kidney Research Institute opened its doors in 1392, proud to build on nearly 10 years of history in Tehran.


Join A Study

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common complication of diabetes. People with diabetes and CKD may have large variation in blood sugar, including very low blood glucose. This may be unhealthy, leading to problems with memory and thinking, heart disease, and infections. The main purpose of this study is to understand how blood sugar varies in people with diabetes and CKD. This knowledge will help improve management of blood glucose. There will be 4 study visits over a 4-week period. Participants will wear a continuous glucose monitor for two-6 day periods. They will also complete questionnaires, undergo a brief physical examination, and give blood and urine samples. Participants will receive a print out of their glucose monitoring results. 


Inclusion Criteria

People 18 years or older with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and Type II diabetes.

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