Goal & Mission


Our mission is to conduct research that can improve the lives of those with kidney disease.


Our goal is to establish a leading clinical research endeavor focusing on early detection, prevention and treatment of kidney disease and its complications.


Our vision is for every person affected by kidney disease to be informed about, participate in and benefit from our research.


Strategic Directions

The Chronic Kidney Disease Research Center s vision is:

  • To give our patients and their loved ones new hope through research that is making tomorrow’s health care possible today.


This vision expresses our commitment to research that is focused on patients and inspired by patients. It draws on the compassion and dedication we feel each day, knowing that every question we answer and every problem we solve could eventually impact many people, including our loved ones. As basic scientists, physicians, nurses, trainees and other researchers, we are committed to translating our results into benefits for patients and society and making tomorrow’s health care possible today.


Our vision is closely aligned with The Labbafinejad Kidney Disease and transplantation Center s vision, which is “To provide each patient with the best care, exceptional service and compassion we would want for our loved ones”. It also fits well with the Shahid beheshti University of medical Sciences inspiring goal of being “Iran s Kidney University” and a destination place for research.

Our vision is supported by a small number of strategic research priorities , which are designed to encourage collaboration across the Institute and facilitate the translation of research findings into practical applications.



Strategic Research Priorities

Research at CKDRC is focused on answering important questions in the field of kidney disease and transplantation and translating new findings into benefits for patients and society. CKDRC has had particular success in this “translational” aspect of health research, with several therapies developed in-house now showing promise in clinical trials, and many examples of CKDRC-led studies transforming health care around the country.

To capitalize on this success and guide further translational research efforts, CKDRC has developed the following two Strategic Research Priorities:


Regenerative and Biological Therapeutics

This priority is designed to foster “bench to bedside” research – turning basic discoveries in cellular and molecular biology into new regenerative and biological therapeutics to improve health. Examples of our success in this area include stem cell therapies for bladder dysfunctions.

Practice-changing Research

This priority is designed to put knowledge to work – performing high quality clinical research that can inform health decisions and ensuring that results are optimally applied to improve health. CKDRC has developed a center to guide this kind of research, and we are known around the country for our expertise in knowledge translation/implementation research, and clinical decision rules. 

These Strategic Research Priorities are designed to cut across our existing Research Programs and foster collaboration and the translation of research findings into practical applications. They are also aligned with external funding opportunities and with areas of strength at our partner institutions.


In addition to these Strategic Research Priorities, CKDRC has developed the following Strategic Research Theme:

Vascular Health

Increasing evidence suggests that blood vessels may be at the root of some of the most common chronic diseases that affect the kidney. With an integrated approach to Vascular Health, CKDRC researchers will be able to develop new therapies and better ways of managing some of the most pressing health challenges affecting Iranians.


Leadership Team

The Chronic Kidney Disease Research Institute is a not-for-profit corporation governed by a voluntary Board of Directors that includes members of the Labbafinejad Medical Center and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. The Senior Management Team provides scientific and administrative leadership for the Institute.

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